Monthly virtual circles, ceremonies and rituals to help you tap into the divine feminine creatrix power and the frequency of pure abundance so that you can expand, grow and consciously manifest what you desire in a way that feels nourishing to your soul.

This sisterhood was intentionally created to help you embrace your sacred, wild and limitless nature in the safe and supportive container of like-minded women.

Welcome home sister, we’ve been waiting for you.

Globally across the world, there are millions of us women experiencing a deep stirring in our souls.

It's a call to activate and rise into our full power. To speak our truth and shine our light bright. If you ended up on this page then perhaps you feel it too?

It’s time to truly align with your soul, to unleash your inner wild wise woman and connect to the magic within you and all around you.

Bringing back ancient tradition

of sacred womens circles

Throughout history women used to gather in ceremonious circles to connect with each other, to tap into the potent energies of natural world and to celebrate the divine feminine. Somewhere along the way we lost this connection with each other, nature and our own sacred power. We started operating from the masculine paradigm of burnout, hustle and competition.

Right now we are at a unique point in our history and the Earth itself is asking for us women to rise in remembrance of who we truly are. To return home to ourselves, get deeply rooted into who we came here to be and to restore inner balance.

As we deepen our connection to our souls, each other and the earth our collective energy affects everyone and everything around us. It raises the vibrational frequency of the collective, for the highest good of all.

Together, we are welcoming a new paradigm, of divine feminine creation. It allows us to tap into the frequency of pure love and abundance so that we can manifest our desires with ease, flow and pleasure. 

Are you ready to rise into your sacred, limitless and wild nature? 

🜃 You have a deep longing in your soul for connection and sisterhood with fellow wild women, witches, healers, and ‘soul’preneurs  here to light the way

🜃 You are ready to activate your intuition and follow the guidance of your soul

🜃 You would like to have a regular sacred ritual practice that allows you to tap into the frequency of abundance 

🜃 You want to connect with your intuition and the guidance of your own soul

🜃 You’re ready to start embodying your divine femine power and would like some support and guidance on your journey

🜃 You want to honour and work with the changing cycles of nature and energies of the cosmos

🜃 You want to energetically align yourself with your desires so that you can manifest them into your reality 

This is for you if:


🜃 Monthly virtual sisterhood circles on the New or Full Moon

🜃 Sacred rituals, spells and practices to manifest your desires 

🜃 Energy clearings to remove stagnant energy 

🜃 Energetic activations to help you rise into your power

🜃 Beautiful soul meditation journeys that will allow you to tap into the creation frequency

🜃 Private facebook sisterhood community where you can connect, grow and support one another in a safe and intimate space

🜃 Guest workshops to deepen your spiritual practices

🜃 Free 2 card custom oracle reading in your second month of the membership

🜃 Exclusive members discounts and first dips on all other paid containers that Manifestation Priestess offers

PRICE: $55.55 monthly subscription



It takes courage to go out there and radiate your essence, to embody all that you truly are and to answer the call of your soul. 

Thank you for showing up in this world as YOU, thank you for answering the call because your unique magic is so needed here. 

With love,  Deimanté Ona

I’m so excited to welcome you and witness the magic that is going to unfold for you. 

Manifestation Priestess

Meet Deimanté Ona

Utilizing the Law Of Attraction and healing self-sabotaging mindset patterns has completely changed my life.

Just five years ago I was sick, stressed, and broke, feeling stuck and frustrated with life. Fast forward to now I am living my soul’s purpose of serving and guiding amazing women to crack the code of manifestation, I live in my dream home with the love of my life and our little daughter.

The secret to having all of your desires come true is less about doing and much more about being.

I’m here to help you awaken the magic you have within you and master manifestation so that you can make huge quantum leaps in your own life and business. Before you know it you will be waking up to the life you’ve always wanted. The life you were always meant to have.