For the Soulpreneur woman ready to activate her inner magic and Rise into her Power

Are you done with doing things in life and business the masculine way? Are you ready to leave the hustle and struggle behind and invite more pleasure into your business?

If you answered yes this workshop is for you! In this transformative workshop, you'll learn 10 powerful tools, shifts, and practices to activate divine feminine energy. By doing this you'll unlock a whole new level of inner magnetism, intuition, and creativity allowing you to manifest your goals with ease and pleasure.

Manifestation is all about tapping into the power of our energy and harnessing it to create the life we desire. Within each of us lies a balance of energy, often referred to as masculine and feminine. The masculine or yang energy is associated with action, while the feminine or yin energy is associated with being and receiving.

Unfortunately, many of us live in a culture that prioritizes masculine energy and values achievement and productivity above all else. As a result, our feminine energy is often suppressed or overlooked, leading to feelings of burn out, imbalance, and disconnection.

But when we tap into our feminine energy and embrace the power of being and receiving, we unlock a whole new level of manifestation potential. We connect with our intuition, creativity, and receptivity, allowing us to receive the opportunities and resources we need to manifest our dreams with ease and flow.

Time To receive and attract

You’re invited to this workshop if…

  • You’re a soul driven entrepreneur, ready to manifest your sacred wealth in a way that feels nourishing and sustainable.

  • You are beyond ready to start taking action and responsibility for creating the life and business of your dreams.

  • You are open minded to learn about the spiritual principles of manifestation and how you can use it in your business to attract sales.

  • You’re ready to put all of your limitations behind you to manifest the wildly abundant life and business of your dreams.

All of your desires are there for a reason, it’s because they are meant for you and you CAN have it all.

I will show you how to do that in a way that feels nourishing, pleasurable and sustainable.

Meet Deimanté

Utilizing the Law Of Attraction and healing self-sabotaging mindset patterns has completely changed my life.

I went from being stressed, broke, and living paycheck to paycheck to having multiple five figures in the bank, building my dream home, and serving my absolute soulmate clients. I even manifested my move halfway across the world! If someone told me a few years ago that this would be my life I would have thought they were crazy and I can honestly say that I am living the life of my dreams.

The secret to having all of your desires come true is less about doing and much more about being.

I’m here to help you make huge quantum leaps in your business and before you know it you will be waking up into the life you’ve always wanted. The life you were always meant to have.